Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Biblical Questions - #1

The following are some questions to think about.
You will have to use the Bible to answer some of the questions. Where an answer is provided you should still use the Bible to research the answer--to confirm or disagree with it.
Many people read the Bible for its: poetry, its guidance,its solace or comfort, for the history, the geography,the science, as literature,as the divinely inspired Word of God to us and for many other reasons. Many read it and accept it as literal-meaning :according to the exact meaning,not figurative. In other words, God said it therefore; it is true. (whether or not I believe it doesn't matter--it is still true)
God tells us in scripture to search His word as if we were looking for lost treasure. (to search the depths of what he gave us to find the answers to many of life's unanswered questions and get closer to understanding Who he is)
These questions are  provided to hopefully provoke you into "searching" His word in addition to just reading it for pleasure or biblical information.
How many men in the Bible walked on water?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D.  None
How Many times did Jesus walk on water?
 A. Once
 B. Twice
 C. Three Times

In the biblical story of "Peter" walking on the water we know that he took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink.
How did Peter get back to the boat?
A. He swam back--he was a fisherman so he must have known how to swim.
B. He walked back by himself on top of the water.
C. He held Jesus's hand
D. He was carried back by Jesus.
Can God's mind--- (His will) be changed about doing something? Or is it set in place and can not(never) be changed?
Does God change His mind?
Jonah 3:10  1 Chronicles 21:15
Solomon was  King David's second child with Bathsheba.
The first child died--why? Was it because of illness?
What was Solomon's nickname?
2nd Samuel 12:25 ,1st Chronicles 22:9
A. The wise guy
B.  Goldfinger
C. The exalted OZ
D.   No 1
Scripture says not to put God to the test or not to tempt God.
Luke 4:12, Deut 6:16, Exodus 17:1-7
Can God be tempted?
If so---How can God be tempted? Tested?
In scriptures regarding the tithe--doesn't God say to put Him to the test?
In other scriptures regarding blessings and his promises--doesn't God say to test Him?
When Joseph and Mary took Jesus to the temple and after leaving noticed that he wasn't with them so they went back. When they questioned Jesus he answered them that he had been in His Father's house or He had been about His Father's business. Scripture states that Joseph and Mary didn't understand his response. Luke 2:49,50
Why didn't they understand? 
They knew who Jesus was. The son of God!
Mary had been visited by an angel who told her who Jesus was.(Before he was born.)
Joseph had been visited by an angel who told him who Jesus was.(Before he married Mary)
Because of the mind set of the Hebrews about the Messiah freeing the Jews from the Romans Joseph and Mary may have understood that Jesus was the Messiah,but not how he would establish his kingdom on Earth or what that would entail. They may have understood that Jesus was the Son of God,but could not fathom(wrap their mind around) what that meant to them as His mother and step father. They were Jewish parents raising a Jewish child. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem angels appeared to shepherds and told them who Jesus was. They went to Bethlehem and they told Joseph and Mary what the angels told them--that Jesus was the Christ/ the savior. The Magi went to Bethlehem and spoke with Joseph and Mary and worshiped Jesus as the Messiah /King of the Jews. When Joseph and Mary  went to Jerusalem to present Jesus at the temple according to the law of Moses, a man named Simeon who was in the temple spoke to Joseph and Mary and identified Jesus as the Messiah/ the Christ and they "marveled" at  what was said?
When Jesus told the criminal who was also crucified with him that "this day you will be with me in paradise" what had the criminal done in order to receive salvation? Did he repent of his sins? Did he receive the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues? Was he water baptized? Had he been "born again"? Did he receive communion? Did he receive the Last Rights? Had he earned his way to heaven by his good works?
Why did Jesus tell him that he would be with him in paradise?
Is paradise the same as heaven or like Abraham's bosom?
When Cain killed Abel he committed murder. According to the law, anyone who murdered someone should be put to death. When God gave the Law to Moses the 6th commandment--- the penalty for murder was death.
Why wasn't Cain executed instead of receiving a mark and banished? 
Why did God spare Cain even though Cain committed premeditated murder?
When Cain killed Abel God had not yet given Moses the ten commandments. There was no written law. God was the law! Even after the 6th commandment was given. "Thou shalt not kill" should correctly be translated" Thou shalt not murder" .The difference between killing and murder was outlined and explained with the rest of the 500 other laws God handed down to his people-- the Hebrews. In it God explained the difference between accidental killing, self defense killing, and premeditated murder. Today we explain it as: manslaughter, 1st degree,2nd degree, etc. In the old testament cities were established where someone who committed an accidental or self defense killing could go and live without fear of retribution or a vendetta from the dead person's family.
Note! the 6th commandment says thou shall not commit murder--- not thou shall not kill. All murder is killing, but all killing is not murder. Protecting your country in war --is not murder. Protecting you or your family from being killed is not murder. Protecting someone else from being killed is not murder. Some people have misinterpreted the 6th commandment that all killing is wrong and prohibited by God. Executing someone who has committed murder is not in itself murder. Throughout the bible individuals were executed for a number of crimes, violations of God's law or sins. In a number of cases the penalty for certain violations of God's laws was death. God established the death penalty. Yes, Pre mediated murder was wrong then and it is wrong now.
Joel 3:10
Micah 4:3 
Why the difference?
What did Jesus mean when he was dying on the cross and He said "It is finished"?  What was finished? 
It couldn't have been His work here on earth. He told the apostles to go forth and spread the good news, the gospel, to the whole world. He told them  that they would do greater works than what He had done. Heal the sick, raise the dead, etc. God, The Father, had sent Jesus to earth to pay a price,by His death on the cross, for the sins of all mankind. As God "the Son" Jesus didn't have to go,but He did. No one took His life from Him--- He laid it down. Through His death, sacrifice and resurrection Jesus provided the free gift of salvation to everyone and anyone who would accept it. That part of His mission to pay man's sin debt was finished. There is no need for any more sacrifices. He paid the price"once for all". 
Salvation is free,but you still must choose to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. God gave man a free will. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God's Spirit, The third person of the trinity--he gives everyone an opportunity to make that choice. "It was finished" when Jesus died on the cross for our sin's.
What is the difference between the Jewish Sabbath Exodus 20:8-1 The 4th Commandment ,Genesis 2:2-3 and the 1st day of the week Sunday Or the Lord's Day?
The Jewish Sabbath was from sundown on Friday(Friday evening) until Saturday evening. It was considered the 7th day of the week.
Why do Christians worship God,go to church,rest on Sunday and not according to the 4th commandment On the Sabbath? Luke 23:52-54,Luke 23:56. Luke 4:17.Luke 24:1 Luke 6:5.
Genesis 3:8-10 states" And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man and said to him" Where are you?' And the man said "I heard the sound of thee in the garden and I was afraid,because I was naked;and hid myself." RSV
 What is the sound of God walking in the garden? Like King Kong in the movies or the "still small voice" ? What sound did God make? How did Adam know it was God walking? He must have heard Him before walking around --this was not the first time. God is spirit --right? So a spirit does not have a bodily form. Has God revealed Himself at other times in the bible in Human form? (anthropomorphism) God is not human and does not have human emotions;however the bible uses human terms to describe Him such as: laughter,disgust weariness, jealously. Though they do not fully express His feelings they are helpful to describe His character to us. God communicates to humankind in human language. To reveal himself to humanity,God uses human concepts so we can understand something of His character and deeds. If God is indeed God then it is certainly possible that he walked in the garden in human form. Jesus as part of the Trinity is both God and the Son of God--he appeared at various times in the Old Testament in a physical form.Theophany is a manifestation of God in human form that is tangible to the human senses. After his resurrection  Jesus appeared to several people in his resurrected body. He walked with them,He spoke to them and He ate with them.
Why did God call to Adam "Where are you?
Did Adam really believe he was hiding "from God"? Like playing hide and seek with God. God always wins. Surely, God knew where Adam was. Why call out to him? God knew what Adam and Eve had done. Obviously,God already knew the answer to His questions,but wanted to make a point with Adam. He wanted Adam to know the answer to the question--Where are you? God wanted Adam to realize what he had done and why he was hiding. God asked Adam other questions to which He already knew the answers. Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree I commanded you not to eat from? Etc. God wanted Adam to recognize and admit to God that he, Adam,was ashamed and afraid because he had disobeyed God and sinned.
Note!Teachers and professors often ask questions to which they know the answers--- to use this technique as a teaching tool.
John 8:1-11 The story of the woman caught in adultery states that the scribes and Pharisees brought the woman to Jesus to trick him into saying something they could use against him. They reminded him that Mosaic law demanded her to be stoned to death. Leviticus 20:10 Deut. 22:22. "But what do you say" they asked Jesus. At this point  He stooped down and started writing something in the dirt. When he straightened up,He said "If any one of you is without sin , let him cast the first stone at her." Then Jesus stooped down again and  again wrote something in the dirt. Scripture says that one by one the people left.
 There is a lot of speculation about what Jesus wrote in the dirt. One idea is that Jesus wrote a list of sins committed by each of the Jewish leaders present. Another one is that He wrote each of the "stone holding accusers" names from the youngest to the oldest--which meant that He had "supernatural knowledge". One theory states that Jesus wrote scripture in the dirt such as Hosea 4:13-14 which says that the law of Moses holds  the male more accountable for  sex sins than the female. Jesus often quoted scripture in His teachings so it is possible that even though the Jewish leaders were trying to to trick Jesus with the Law,He controlled the situation by using the law to answer them. According to the Law, both parties were to be stoned to death,both male and female--not just the woman. So why did the Jewish leaders just bring the woman to Jesus? The Jewish leaders 's righteousness is shallow and shows no concern for the soul of the woman. They were also deceitful in that they knew that the LAW stated that the stoning could only take place after a trail,which included the chance for the condemned to confess of his or her sin and repent. There also had to be witnesses present to testify against the woman. No one came forward and identified themselves as witnesses.
  According to one interpretation of the scripture ,Jesus' writing in the dirt was very significant. It was unlawful to write even two letters on the Sabbath,but that writing with dust(dirt) was permissible. If this were the eight day of the feast which was a day of rest ( Lev 23:39)  If Jesus was teaching on the morning of the 'eight day 'at the temple, then Jesus' writing on the ground would show that He knows well not only the law,but also the oral inerpretations.In writing in the dust He echoed Jer 17:13 (which the Jewish leaders knew). It states" O Lord, the hope of Israel, all who forsake YOU will be put to shame. Those who turn away from you will be written in dust because they have forsaken the the Lord the spring of living water." The judgement that the Jewish leaders want Jesus to execute on the woman is in fact the judgement that he visits upon them for their rejection of Him. In rejecting Jesus they are rejecting GOD.
There is no way to know for certain what He wrote. Why is it important to note what He wrote? Does it matter what he wrote? He was highlighting the fact that no one is without sin and the importance of compassion and forgiveness.
The Jewish leaders were using the woman to trap Jesus. If Jesus said that she should NOT be stoned they would accuse him of violating the Law of Moses. If He said to execute her, then they would report him to the Romans because under Roman rule Jews could could not carry out their own executions. The penalty for disobeying the Roman law was imprisonment or worse.
When Jesus calls for the one without sin to cast the first stone He accomplishes several things: it relieves Him form the charge of having instigated a stoning: it ensures there will not be a stoning since none of the accusers will want to  take responsibility for it and it causes them to reflect on their own sin before God. Their withdrawal was in fact a confession of their own sin and condemning themselves by not casting a stone.
On a first reading the incident of writing in the dirt may appear to be insignificant to the overall message and teaching that is presented in the scripture;however, when you dig into the meat of the story and research it you discover that there is so much more than what you first understood.  Everything in scripture is there for a reason even if we don't completely understand it the first time we read it. Keep digging!
What was placed inside the Ark of the Covenant?
A. The ten commandments
B.  A pot of manna
C. Aaron's rod
D.  The Book of the Law
1st Kings 8:9, Hebrews 9:4, Deut 31 24-26, Exodus 16: 33-34
Why was Jesus baptized by John?  Matt. 3: 11-17
Jesus was without sin so He didn't need to repent.
Jesus as the Son of God and the third person of the Trinity was sinless.
 Because Jesus was baptized do we need to baptized to be saved, to be "born again" ? Is it necessary to be baptized  to go to heaven? Is baptism part of God's salvation plan?
 If not why not?

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