Friday, April 26, 2013

Catholicism -- Did you Know?

The Truth according to the bible is --Jesus. He alone is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6)

The Catholic Church's own history reveals how man's desires, politics, and control have affected believers. They have nothing to do with God or the Bible, but rather the rites, rituals and doctrines created by men. 

The following blog post is informed by my Catholic background, Bible training and personal life experiences regarding Catholicism. It also presents my conclusions. For more than 30 years I have researched, studied and read the Bible: Through personal research, study and readings, through academic research and study, through small cell or home group/life group or men's groups study classes, through large group and seminar type study classes, university and church based classes and through various business and professional organizations,through telecasts, DVDs, lectures, CDs and a variety of written materials and formats. In so far as life experiences, from baptism as a baby to adulthood, for 22 years I was a Catholic.

I have "tested all things" according to the word of God in 1st Thessalonians 5:21 "Test everything. Hold on to the good." and 1 John 4:1 "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit,but test the spirits to see whether they are from God...." .
As a child I was raised as a Catholic by Catholic parents, I was baptized, went to Catechism,made my little conformation,first communion,catholic missal, big conformation and attended those classes,chose my conformation name of Peter,etc at St. Raphael on Elysian Fields in New Orleans. I attended Catholic grammar school at St Leo the Great in Gentilly New Orleans where we also attended church.I attended mass weekly,went to confession and communion.Also attended services on Catholic feast days, holidays, holy days of obligation ,etc.I played CYO ball at St Catherine of Siena on Metairie Rd in Jefferson Parish. I attended St. Christopher Church in Metairie for several years after moving from New Orleans. My first wife and I were married in the Roman Catholic church In Chalmette,La. in December of 1968 at Our Lady of Prompt Succor on Paris Rd. We attended Pre Cana wedding classes and Catholic instruction regarding marriage.(We were divorced in 1972) I was in the U.S.Navy Reserves from March 1969 to January 1970. While in the U.S.Navy on active duty, overseas, (from March1970 to June1971), I was a Chaplain's assistant and assisted both the Catholic Priest and Protestant Minister. I served mass,set up the altar,assisted the Priest with communion,received training and supervison by the Catholic Chaplain in the rites and rituals of the church,etc. In other words, I was an altar boy as well as other office/administration duties related to the job.I say all this to let you know that I am familiar with the doctrines,traditions and history of the Catholic church--as a former practicing Catholic having been trained in the rites,rituals and dogma of the church as a child,teenager and adult via various programs,classes retreats,etc.As a Bible student.(Both Old and New Testament) I am also familiar with the history of the Bible and the Catholic church as well as the differences in the Catholic and Protestant Bibles and the scriptual text with regard to what is considered "cannon".Recently, I went back to college (an On-line University) Life Christain University located In Florida with an extension campus here in Lafayette,La. and graduated with a degree in Theology.I am also licensed as a Lay Minister of the Gospel through the church I attend--- Family Life Church (which is a non-denominational, independent, Bible based church).

Today there are hundreds of millions of Catholics (all over the world) that are sincere, deeply devoted and dedicated individuals that are largely unaware of the differences between the official teachings,practices and positions of the Roman Catholic Church and the teachings of the Holy Bible. These individuals are scripturally/spiritually uninformed concerning these differences because of a lack of sound biblical instruction and exposure. The following information is not given as an attack on any individual or their sincerity, intelligence or religious commitment. I'm sure that they do indeed possess strong convictions and are deeply devoted to their religious beliefs. The tragic reality,however, is that the overwhelming majority of Catholics have either never personally studied the bible or have relied solely on the official interpretations,opinions,and traditions of the Roman Catholic church to tell them what to believe. As noted earlier much of the following information comes from reliable Catholic sources: the Catholic Information Network, The Catholic Enclopedia,the New Catholic Dictionary,the Catholic Code Of Cannon Law, The Catholic Cathechism.The History of the Catholic Church-- Encyclopedia Britannica(all on-line through the internet)

All Catholic rites, rituals, sacraments, doctrines, policies ,Holy Orders, were compared to scripture for their authority and validity. The scripture sources (the Bibles used) used are the following:The New English Bible with the Apocrypha--2nd edition 1970,(Note! the Apocrypha contains those books which are in the Catholic Bible,but not the Protestant Bible,The only difference between the two bibles is in the Old Testament. The New Testament in both Bibles is the same.) The Revised Standard Version--1952, The Thompson (Chain reference) Study Bible,New International Version--1990, The Living Bible--1971,The Revised Standard Version--2nd edition 1972, King James Version 1986, the Student's Life Application Bible,New Living Translation 1997 Also the following Catholic Bibles on line through the internet: The Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible, The American Bible, The New Jerusalem Bible.
Note! as mentioned earlier the comments in blue are my own based on the materials comparison to scripture--The Holy Bible. Conclusions drawn from the material presented are in green. Scripture: Chapter and verse is noted in red.
The catholic concept of the Mass was unheard of in the early church and was not invented until 831 by a Benedictine monk named Badbertus. It did not become an official doctrine until the Fourth Laterin Council in 1215 A.D.[Thus it is a man made doctrine and not biblical].

Please read the following information, which was taken predominately from the Bible and Catholic sources, with an open mind. Please test it for yourself, research it and seek "the truth." In Ephesians 4:25 the bible tells us "to speak the truth in love". Also in Zec.8:16 we are told to speak the truth. (The differences between the Bible and the Catholic Church are noted. The emphasis in blue is mine.) The Truth according to the bible is --Jesus. He alone is the way, the truth and the life.( John 14:6) Paul said there is no other gospel--except Jesus. When Jesus stood before Pilate when he was being tried Pilate asked Jesus "are you a King?" Jesus said in his response that he was and also...." In fact, I was born and came into this world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." In this context Jesus was telling Pilate, If you knew who I was, the Son Of God, the Messiah, God-- as part of the trinity-- then you would understand the truth of who I am,why I came to earth and the Good News of salvation.

The "mass" as a Catholic ritual has no biblical foundation,but derives its origins from what Catholicism calls "Sacred Tradition." The Roman Catholic Doctrine of transubstantiation( the catholic belief that the wine and the wafer"host' are miraculously changed into the actual blood and body Of Jesus Christ) wasn't proclaimed until 1215 Pope Innocent III and did not become an official creed until 1564 A.D.[This is also a man made tradition created by the Papacy and not of God.] Catholics believe that when they receive communion--The Eucharist-- that they are eating,swallowing the actual body and blood of Christ. IN 1570 after the Council of Trent, Pope Pius the V codified the Roman Missal which existed at that time as the Tridentine Mass. Its Prayers and ceremonies made the Catholic doctrines of "Sacrifice" and the "Real Presence" absolutely explicit in accordance with Catholic beliefs. As a result of the liturgical reforms of Vatican 2 (1962-65) the Catholic Church was changed. The "Mass" changed because in 1958 a Pope (a man who is not considered divine by Catholics,but is regarded as infallible in divine matters regarding faith or morals when he receives inspiration from God)Pope John XXIII changed it. (He can be infallable whenever he says he has been divinely inspired) As a result of the Pope's decision and decisions by the College of Bishops (who are also infallible) carried out what the Pope wanted (no matter what the laity wanted or anyone else wanted--because the Pope and the Bishops are supreme in their authority ) the church in general was affected. There were sixteen different documents promulgated by the Second Vatican Council. The document that had the biggest effect on the church and the biggest impact on the daily lives of the ordinary Catholic was the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy(Sacrosnctum Concilium).
The constitution states" faithful obedience to TRADITION the council declares that Holy Mother Church holds all LAWFULLY recognized Rites to be of Equal value and dignity, that she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way(Article 4)" According to an article written in the U.S. Catholic magazine about "the Mass" and Vatican II it stated that --" The Tridentine Liturgy which is so named because it was mandated after the Council of Trent had been in use for over 400 years. Trent's Liturgy (the old liturgy) wasn't just a way of celebrating the Lord's Supper.It embodied a particular way of being church: an all powerful clergy mediating between God and a silent, sinful laity; a church frozen in time, untouched by the world around it." In other words, the mass (the Tridentine) was a created ritual that came into existence by a council of men, it was changed by a council of men and affected how people worshiped. An ancient Latin saying "Lex orandi, lex credendi"--which means: "the prayer of the church is the source of its faith, the law of prayer is the law of faith or what you pray is what you believe" applies to this issue because---How people worship God affects their faith.(What they believe) According to Church documents,as early as 1968 Pope Paul VI was lamenting the fact that the church was engaged in a process of self destruction. On June 29,1972 he said that Satan himself had found an opening in the church where he was spreading doubt, discord, and dissatisfaction. Therefore, it should be no surprise that "Liberation Theology" found a home in the church as a result of Vatican II. In 1967 Cardinal Heeman stated that "these Liberal Theologians seized the Council as a means of de-Catholicising the Church." He also said that more than ever the church needed to stress The real presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament because of the frequent changes in the Mass. Another Cardinal,Cardinal Francise Arivze-The Prefect Of the Vatican Congregation for the Divine Worship and Sacraments sharply criticized the "New Liturgy" and the Incultration of the liturgical celebration because of Vatican II. Those who disagreed with Vatican II and refused to comply were excommunicated. One such Bishop was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre who was excommunicated in 1988. According to statements made by him, he said," In the constitution on the liturgy you will see that there is nothing in it which even slightly hints at such novelties as :1( mass facing the people,2) a vernacular mass, 3) communion in the hand, 4) extraordinary ministers of communion. All of these changes were not done for the benefit of the church,but for those in control." He noted that only 71 out of 176 Bishops voted Yes for the new rite. The rest voted NO. He stated that the rest of the world's bishops were not even given the opportunity to vote--so the "NEW" Mass, even though it was rejected became the "New Rite" .
This is just another example in a long list of man made doctrines, documents, and celebrations that affect the "Faith" of believers.The Catholic Church's own history reveals how man's desires,politics,and control have affected believers.
And have nothing to do with God or the Bible,but rather the rites,rituals and doctrines created by men.

Did you know?
The First Vatican Council (1869-1870) enhanced the role of the papacy by declaring the primacy of the Pope and his personal infallibility( or inability to err on central issues of the Christian faith) This man made doctrine is not scriptural. There is no biblical foundation for such authority. In addition, the College of Bishops also received "infallibility" and is equal with the Pope in having supreme and full authority over the Church. (This authority is spelled out in the Catholic Catechism in the "Principle of Collegiality".)According to Vatican II,in the Constitution "On the Church" (Gadium et Spes) "The Principle of Collegiality" placing episcopal collegiality in union with papal primacy and by shared infallibility the council has resolved the ancient tension of pope versus councils(bishops)"
The curious question arises,according to Church documents, if the Popes are infallible---how can another Pope declare what a previous Pope implemented as false and wrong. In fact, one Pope, John Paul II was called the Antipope.How can one Pope undo what another Pope did--if he was infallible?
Again, the Church's own history reveals the contradictions, the errors,and the unbiblical foundation which it has been built upon.
The papacy is based on the falsehood that Peter was the first Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.( According to scripture,Jesus was the "Rock" that the Church was built on--not Peter ( a piece of the rock) You have to look at the Greek,Hebrew and Arameic text.As well as other uses of the word "Rock" in scripture through out the Bible to determine the correct useage and meaning. Church history includes scandals involving the immoral behavior of popes who had numerous children by mistresses and concubines.It also notes that there were married popes like Pope Hormisdas (d.523) and Pope Silverius(d.537) who were father and son. In addition to popes, there have been married priests and bishops.(So where does mandatory celibacy in the clergy come from ?) According to scripture,Jesus healed Peter's mother in law.Nothing in the bible demanded someone to be single . In fact, Paul said it was better to be married--than burn. And it speak of bishops as being the husband of one wife.
Did you Know?
Throughout its history,the Catholic church has been deeply involved in politics and the fostering of political agendas. Today,even though it makes public statements of non involvement or non partisanship and supposedly only takes a stand on religious issues under the guise of moral guidance or guidelines for conscientious voters the church still is actively politically.For over seventy-five years the church has actively backed, promoted or agreed with the Democratic Party on a variety of issues. In 2008 the church backed Obama for President. As recently as 2010 the church backed Obama Care, until in 2012 President Obama forced the church to adopt Obama Care with its abortion clauses. This doesn't mean individual Catholics,but the Church hierarchy or Roman Curia.( There are numerous magazine articles,newpapers articles and television news comments as well as historic data that documents this involvement)
The buying and selling of favors from emperors and kings, the enriching of its coffers through shady dealings with politicians,the making of money by selling "Holy Orders" (clergy positions) in the church such as bishop,cardinal, etc,causing emperors and kings to pay homage to the papacy by gifts of lands and estates are all documented. During the inquisition, the church fraudulently acquired private property by convicting people of being heretics. Graft,blackmail,and a host of other illicit means were used by popes to obtain power, to become pope and obtain wealth for their own family members who often times were given positions in the church to further their own agenda. They regarded ecclesiastical office as a source of personal income and revenue and especially as a proprietary right if they had to purchase the office. Papal taxation was created to provide funds to support bureaucrats that were favorable to the papacy.( You can find a lot of this info in church history noted as the Period Of Decadence in the 10th century) Also during other periods of church history.

Current scandals of child abuse,playboy priests,church politics and policies abroad in foreign countries,etc are in the newspapers, television,magazines and on-line with the internet.According to the Church's own documentation on abuse cases, more than 15,000 credible child abuse cases have been filed,approximately 7,000 priests have been involved and over three billion dollars will be paid in settlements. This abuse has been on going for over sixty years or at least since 1950 when documentation began to be available.
In 1990 when Godfather Part III was released the director Francis Ford Coppla was interviewed on television regarding the scenes and subplot about the corruption,politics and criminal activity of the Vatican. He said in the interview that the Roman Catholic Church has a history of corruption and politics dating back hundreds of years---nothing new. Fact or Fiction? The scenes in the Godfather Part 3 concerning the Vatican and the Catholic Church were based on "real" life events that occurred. Director Coppla's inspiration for the Vatican subplot in the movie came from the Vatican scandal in the 1970's and 80's. The Istituto per le Opere di Religione in Italian is known as the Institute for Works of Religion,IOR, or the Vatican Bank. It was founded in 1942 by Pope Pius XII.In 1968 Vatican authorities hired Michele Sindona as a financial advisor to the bank eventhough he had a questionable background. The Pope appointed him to manage the Vatican's foreign investments. The investigation of the bank began with the laundering of the Gambino crime family heroin money through a shell corporation"Mabusi". It was also discoverd that the laundering of the money was accomplished with the help of another banker,Roberto Calvi, who manged the Banco Ambrosiano. The Banco Ambrosiano collapsed in 1982 after the disappearance of$1.3 billion dollars in loans made to dummy companies in Latin America. The Vatican had provided the letters of credit for the loans.Italian bank investigators revealed that the Vatican bank has worlwide investments of over 10 billion dollars.The Vatican bank was Banco Ambrosiano's main share holder. Later investigations revealed that the money had been siphoned off by Archibshop Paul Marcinkus.Banco Ambrosiano was also investigated for laundering money for the Scilian Mafia. Archbishop Paul Marcinkus,head of the IOR from 1971 to 1989 was indicted In Italy in 1982,but was never tried because he possed diplomatic immunity. Sidonna's ties to the mob resulted in his conviction and imprisionment in 1980. Sidonna was murderd in prison in 1986 as a result of drinking cyanide-laced coffee. Calvi was found a short time later hanging from scaffolding on Blackfriars Bridge, his pockets loaded with bricks and $11,777 in various currencies. His death was ruled a murder. Both the Calvi and Sidonna cases remain unsolved. Archbishop Marcinkus as president of the Vatican Bank was considerd to be the second most powerful man in the Catholic Chursh. He had close ties to Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul I and Pope John Paul II. Italian authorities tried to arrest Marcinkus in connection with a stunning aray of crimes,including assassination, arms smuggling,trafficking in stolen gold,counterfeit money,radioactive materials and numerous murders. Everyone who was involved with Marinckus in his schemes ended up dead. Even an Italian investigative journalist who was probing into the ties between Archbishop Marcinkus and the mob also turned up murdered. Marcinkus was never arrested because Pope John Paul II sheltered him in Vatican City and later when he was sent to the US in Sun City,Arizona he was provided with diplomatic immunity from the Vatican State until his death in 2006. He was never interviewed or questioned by investigators as a result of his diplomatic immunity. As a preist and high ranking prelate of the Vatican the Pope was the only one who could rescind that immunity and allow police to question him.
Another issue which authorities wanted to question Marcinkus about was the death of Pope John Paul I. Pope John Paul I was Pope only for 33 days in 1978. He became Pope after the death of Pope Paul VI a close personal friend of Marcinkus. As Pope he promised a through investigation of the scandal involving Archbishop Marinkus,Robert Calvi and Michele Sindonna.Pope John Paul I appointed Jean-Marie Villot, Cardinal Secretary of State and head of the papal curia to do the investiagation. John Paul I also wanted Marcinkus removed immediatley from his position with the Vatican Bank.But days before that could happen,John Paul I died in his bed from what was offically described as an accidental overdose of medicine.The Pope's body was immediately embalmed that same day,a bizarre breach of protocol that meant that no autopsy could be performed to determine if poison might have been the cause of death.John Paul's sudden death was the most fortuitous death in Marcinkus career. Marcinkus remained the head of the Vatican Bank until aproximately 10 years later when he was eventually removed because of the scandal.
In 2009 ,The Italian magazine Panoram reported that the IOR,Vatican Bank, was again being investigated by The Financial Intelligence Unit of the Banca d'Italia and the Guardia di Finanza for money laundering transactions.In 2010 Italian Police declared that the President of the Vatican Bank Ettore Gotti Tedeschi had failed to disclose both the orgins and destination of millions of dollars as required by law.Prosecutors stated that the Vatican ignored the regulations that require the bank to communicate where their money has come from and its destination. Also in violation of Italian banking laws,Vatican Bank investors's names are held in secret by the Vatican and not released for public review. Prosecutors also stated that even though the Vatican has repeatedly said that they will confrom to the standards " there is no sign that the institutions of the Catholic Church are moving in that direction.In fact our investigation had found exactly the opposite." A noted Italian author who wrote the book the Vatican Spy in 2009 outlining the dealings of the Vatican Bank said regarding this latest scandal" This has happened too many times. I don't trust them." In May of 2012 President Tedeschi was removed from his position and the Pope responded to the news media by stating that the matter would be handled internally. Tedeschi and the number two man Paolo Cipriani are currently being investigated for money laundering by the Italian authorities..
The Holy See(the Catholic Church) and the Vatican are both treated as soverign entities and are immune from outside intervention;therefore, neither the Italian government or anyone else outside the Vatican has authority to prosecute any wrong doing. Civilian employees working for the Vatican and subject to Italian laws fall within their jurisdiction,but Priests, Cardinals,Bishops, Arch Bishops,etc are immune. The Holy See is recognized as an idependent soverign entity. The physical "Papal State" in Rome is recognized as an Independent State. THe Vatican City State was established in 1929 by the Latern Treaty and then Prime Minster Benito Mussolini.The Pope is the head of the Holy See and Vatican City and as such exercises legistative, executive and judical power over the Vatican City. All judical matters are investigated,adjudicated and decided within the Vatican State. The Pope and those appointed by him decide what is wrong and how to handle it. This is known as a "Closed System".A closed system occurs when its framework tries to ask and answer all questions concerning values and standards within its own boundaries.Such a system does not lead to the acceptance of knowledge outside its boundaries.It is dependent upon an authoritarian hierarchy which is infallible. It is a system that is self contained and within which everything is explained according to its own system.
In addition to these scandals,Croatian Holocaust survivors (Alperin v Vatican Bank) have filed a class action suit in the United States against the Vatican Bank and the "Order of Friars Minor" alleging that the bank has millions of dollars that the Nazis took from Croatians during WWII and deposited in the Vatican Bank. A1998 report by the US State Department stated that at least $47 million dollars of Nazi gold was moved from the bank to Spain and Argentina. The investigation showed that under Arch Bishop Marcinkus the money was orginally held by the Vatican bank then laundered to Spain and Argentina to former Nazis. In 1946 a top Secret Report from US Treasury agent Emerson Bigelow known as the "Bigelow Report" was declassified in 1997 and in addition to evidence by CIC Army intelligence officals confirmed that millions of dollars of gold coins from Croatia had been place in the Vatican Bank. The Vatican has repeatedly denied the allegation,but has refused to open its war time records to substantiate its denial.The complaint against the Vatican Bank was dismissed in 2007 on the basis of sovereign immunity due to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976,but the case against the Francisian Order is still pending. Legally, the Vatican Bank was not found to be innocent of the charges since the case was dismissed. It was only found to be immune from prosecution due to its status as a sovereign state. 

The following conclusion is arrived at from the church's history: When you look at the totality of events through out the history of the Roman Catholic Church it is apparent that over the centuries it has always been the individual believer that has suffered ---because of the lack of truth. Also due to the magnitude of the events and considering the frequency with which they have occured: the scandals, the abuse, the corruption and the falsehoods must be viewed as a continuing process, an ongoing process that has evolved for centuries and should not be considered as some minor accumulation of mere inconsistencies, errors,or mistakes that can be attributed to just being human or a one time period in history.The use of the rationalization that other religions in history are just as bad or have their problems too is not an excuse. "Because they did it, it's ok or It's not my fault-- everybody does it or I'm not the only one."Pointing a finger at the other guy--doesn't make it right."When the same thing happens over and over again the evidence of what has happened can't be dismissed by claiming ignorance or blaming someone else.

Did you know?   
The biblical teachings concerning communion are radically opposed to the official Roman Catholic position regarding the mass. Catholicism claims that the mass is the same sacrifice as Christ's death on the cross and Christ's body is re crucified and re sacrificed for the atonement of an individual's sins. The ritualism associated with the mass is not scriptural in that it stresses that Christ's sacrifice for sins was insufficient the first time. The Bible repeatedly stresses the finality and completeness of Christ's sacrifice and challenges any need for it to be repeated ,re-offered or perpetuated again and again through the mass.
Read Hebrews Chapter 10 vs 11,12,14,18 see also 7:27,9:12, 22:28 and J
ohn 19:30 ;1 Peter 3:18 Read 1 Corinthians 11:24-26

Did you know?
The Catholic church according to the Catholic Encyclopedia states that "It is the Catholic Church alone that is imbued with and directed by the Holy Spirit,that guarantees to her children through her infallible teaching the full and unadulterated revelation of God. Consequently,it is the first duty of Catholics to adhere to what the church proposes as the "proximate norm of faith" ( regula fidei proxima) ,which in reference to the Eucharist, is set forth in the Sessions XII,XXI and XXII of the Council of Trent." According to the New Catholic Dictionary, the Vatican Council defines the "rule of faith" as the standard or norm which enables believers to determine what they Must believe.The rule of faith is derived by the Catholic church from three things: 1.the teachings of the church,its traditions(which includes edicts,councils,papal bull, etc) 2.the Word of God as revealed only to the Catholic church( as its keeper and guardian) and 3."The Word", scripture, as interpreted or judged by the Catholic church. In other words, the Catholic church through its own dictates tells Catholics what to believe as faith concerning the Lord's Supper(Coena Domini) as well as "Faith" in general because they alone are empowered by the Holy Spirit to decide what should be taught and that the Catholic church alone is the administrator of God's revelations to his people and that it is infallible in its teaching on this subject.[ There is no such authority mentioned in the Bible and there is no scriptural basis for any such conclusion.]The "Blessed Sacrament of the Altar" an expression introduced by Augustine refers to the Two Fold aspect of the Eucharist as Sacrament and as Sacrifice.[ This man made doctrine by the Catholic Hierarchy is in direct opposition to the Bible.] This is a type of circular reasoning: " I said it, therefore; I believe it-- because I said it and since I am the only one who has the authority to say it--- it must be true!
In Matthew 26:26-28 Jesus said,"... This is my blood of the covenant,which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins...."Jesus was speaking of his crucifixion where his shed blood on the cross would be the sacrifice for sins which would be the perfect blood sacrifice for sin in comparison to the blood of animals that had been offered for sin under the old covenant with Abraham. This statement by Jesus has absolutely nothing to do with a man made tradition invented by a Pope. In all the "gospels" Matthew,Mark,Luke Jesus said " this in remembrance of me."..(until he comes again) To remind us that by the "New covenant" we are forgiven by His sacrifice( a once for all sacrifice) 1 Peter 3:18 on the cross( not the mass) and that He is coming back. We receive communion to remember what he did on the cross (just as he said to do). "Communion" has nothing to do with the forgiveness of sin. We are saved by Faith in Jesus--period! Ephesians 2:8-10 (Sola Fide) When Jesus died on the cross he said " It is finished"John 19:30 His work on earth, the plan of salvation , the "Good News" was completed. Jesus died for "All" our sins not just some of them. God "The Father" sent His only begotten son --John 3:16-- so that we could have a relationship with him again as Adam and Eve did in the garden before they sinned. Romans 5:9 ,5:1, 1 Corinthians 6:11,1 Peter 1:23 ,2 Corinthians 5:17. Jesus doesn't have to be sacrificed again and again ( in the mass) for our sins.

Did you Know?
The Catholic Encyclopedia and Dictionary notes that a Homily (which is often used synonymously with the word sermon by many people) is usually a commentary after the reading of scripture. It is part of the Liturgy and is considered necessary for the fuller understanding by the listener to comprehend the word. It should be an exposition( explanation of some idea or thought) of some aspect of the reading of scripture or of another text taken from the Ordinary or from the Proper of the mass. It should take into account both the mystery being celebrated and the particular needs of the listeners.It may be spoken extemporaneously or in a prepared manner,but in accordance with Church rules regarding the Liturgy.( the rituals of the Catholic church) It may be a moralizing lecture, an admonition, or an inspirational saying or a platitude.( an empty remark or a self evident truth).Note! Holy Scripture from the Bible and "Sacred Text" are not the same thing. According to five different interpretations of what is "scripture' vs "sacred text" as noted in: Inter Oecumenici (1964), Code of Cannon Law---Canon 767,1 (1983), The General Instruction of the Roman Missal--No 65, 2002, The Introduction to the Lectionary --No 24 and The Introduction to the Order of the Mass,(2003)----
A homily does not have to use Scripture from the Bible, but can use "sacred text". "Sacred Text" according to catholic theologians Rev.David Tracy,Mary C. Hilkert,O.P.,and social scientists Rev. Andrew Greely and Robert Bellah may be intrepreted as meaning " the Catholic Imagination". According to them, Catholics have a particular "analogical" or "sacramental" or "liturgical" imagination. In other words, a Homily does not have to be about the written word as noted in the Bible or even Bible (Scripturally) based, but can be determined by the history of the church, its traditions,its theology or even the "Catholic imagination". In an article in the Catholic magazine America in May-June 2009 the author Edward Foley states that "...nowhere do the documents of Vatican II teach or require that one must always preach about or from the the scriptures."(If it isn't from the Bible --it must come from man) He goes on to say that "... the Constitution on on the Sacred Liturgy teaches: By means of the homily, the mysteries of the faith(Catholic Doctrine,rites and rituals) and the guiding principles of the Christian life( as defined by Catholicism) are expounded(explained in Catholic terms) from the Sacred Text( Not the Bible) during the course of the Liturgical year." Believing is a matter of faith( the Catholic Faith) as dictated by the Church and arrived at by the Church---not " the Word of God" the Bible ,but from the Vatican, a Council,or Catholic Hierarchy of Clergy.( from man not God) Mark 7:7,8,13

Did you know?
In the ritual of the mass(communion) the priest says" I place God in your hand! I place God on your tongue!" Nowhere in the Bible, the Old testament or the New Testament is there ever a mention , a hint, a statement by anyone --especially Jesus that such a "mystery" had occurred,did occur or would happen in the future. When Jesus used the phrase " This is my body..." at the "last" supper to the twelve He was speaking figuratively using the bread to symbolize His body and the wine to symbolize His blood. His body did not physically enter into the bread or His blood into the wine. The apostles were Jewish and were forbidden by Jewish law to eat blood. They understood that He was not speaking of His literal blood,but that which typified His blood. When you read the entire context regarding the passage of the Lord's supper you understand that Jesus and the twelve were in the upper room to celebrate Passover ( the time in the history of God's people-- the Jews--when they were in Egypt that they were told to put the blood of a lamb,a spotless lamb, on the door posts of their dwellings so that the angel of death would not kill their first born as it did with the Egyptians) That blood represented the blood of Jesus which would be shed at the cross. He was the spotless Passover lamb. After celebrating the Passover meal with the apostles, Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper so in effect it was the "First" Lord's Supper not the last.Note! We can stop celebrating it when Jesus returns. Jesus spoke often in parables to the public,but alone with the apostles he would tell them what he meant.(especially Peter,James and John) Jesus knew he was going to die on the cross--- that hadn't happened yet--- so He was telling them with the use of the bread and the wine that by His death ( his broken body and His shed blood--through that sacrifice (not the ritual of a mass) our sins are forgiven. Jesus's example through His ministry tells us that ---if it was that important--- He would have certainly explained exactly what He meant and not left any doubt if there was some "mystery" to what He did( if not before His death then, positively, after his resurrection when He ate and spoke with them--before He returned to heaven). According to Catholicism, the bread and wine (even though no one can see it or touch it because there is no observable, discernible, or measurable difference) actually becomes the body---flesh and bones and blood of Jesus( His physical BODY) that they consume at communion.They believe that they are eating God each time they celebrate the "Eucharist".

Did you know?
Roman Catholicism has a long history-- going back hundreds of years-- of obtaining so called relics,as well as the practice of indulgences.It is even noted in English Literature--(The Canterbury Tales) written by Geoffery Chaucer in the 14 th century (1387-1400). He used numerous religious encyclopedias and liturgical writings of the time such as the" Summa Praedicantium " the preacher's handbook by John Bromyard and writings from St Jerome.In the "Tales" Chaucer noted many of the corrupt pracitices of the Church involving Holy relics and indulgences. Some of these include: the straw from the manger Jesus was born in, pieces of the cross,nails from the cross, pieces of saints---fingers,etc. In fact several kings and princes had extensive collections of such relics in the 1400's and 1500's which allowed them to have enormous influence over their subjects by letting them view the relics. At that time in history pious veneration,or viewing of relics was to allow the viewer to receive relief from temporal punishment for sins in purgatory. Of course, any type of documentation or actual proof of such relics reliability or accuracy was not available.The Catholic Church condoned such actions regarding relics and indulgences because it provided needed funds to support the church's influence,to support the life styles of the clergy and to have control over secular politicians. ( This is documented Fact not fiction.)"Simony" the buying or selling of something spiritual--relics and indulgences--- was rampant and lay investiture of clergy by "simony" was a common practice. The veneration and use of relics continues today. In March 2007 an article entitled "Touching The Fabric Of Life" in the catholic magazine "America " notes that personal items of clothing, everyday clothing,a safety pin a hairbrush, from a holy person, a saint, can be a "relic", In addition, whether or not these individuals are officially recognized or declared a saint,canonized,beatified, or merely know as a servant of God by the Vatican doesn't make any difference. The relics are still valid. The individual,holy person,from whom the relic came is revered as an intercessor and may be prayed to or called on for help.The pieces of clothing or scraps of cloth,etc become holy icons, reliquaries,shrines,monstrances are built to house them and people pray to them that they may receive miracles. People make pilgrimages to the shrines,they bow before it,kiss it and many leave monetary donations for their upkeep or leave monetary gifts in the hopes their prayers will be answered. None of this is biblical or has any foundation in the bible. The bible teaches that there is only one mediator between God and man---the Lord, Jesus! Martin Luther's ninety-five theses (Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum) in 1517 is regarded as the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation and was written in response to the practice of indulgences and clerical (clergy) abuses that existed within the Catholic Church. Martin Luther also opposed the use of relics because many had no proof of historic authenticity, documentation or provenance.The Protestant Reformation and the resulting changes in "Christianity" basically occurred because the Catholic Church refused to get rid of the corruption,abuse, graft, simony and false doctrines it had become accustomed to over the centuries.
Keep in mind that "Christianity" came from Judaism. The term Catholicism is never mentioned in the Bible--Christianity is.The term Catholic,according to Webster's Dictionary in addition to its definition of referring to the Roman Catholic Church also means: universal,pertaining to the universal christian church. "The Roman Catholic Church" is derived from the period in "Christian" Church history when the Emperor Constantine who was a pagan declared Christianity to be the state religion,everybody had to be become a Christian.

Did You Know?
Historically, Catholicism has been combined with Paganism. This may be one reason why many Catholics (including priests and nuns) have been vulnerable to "New Age" beliefs and practices. Examples of Catholicism combined with paganism go back to the time of the Roman empire 380 A.D.with Constantine when the church adopted various Roman and pagan festivals regarding the dead "All souls day" All Saints Day" , celebrating and condoning ancient pagan festivals that involved the goddess Venus and the god Bacchus ---Mardi Gras. (The Roman and pagan festivals: Saturnalia, Larentalia, Lemuria, Samhain)
Instead of stopping the practice of these and other pagan rituals the church incorporated them into its doctrines. Rather than turn converts away from becoming Christians by not allowing them to continue as pagans, as most of the population was pagan and practiced pagan beliefs,rituals and sacrifices, the Church let them continue to practice those pagan beliefs and by incorporating them into the church attempted to Christianize the rites and rituals.
Today, some modern examples of Catholicism being mixed with paganism are numerous through the world. The following are a few examples:
Voodoo is practiced in Africa,South Africa,Haiti and the West Indies. Voodoo is a mixture of Catholicism and West African religion.Practitioners invite "spirits(i.e. demons) to mount them (possess them). Voodoo involves black magic, curses, and spells. It is also practiced in some areas of the United States . In New Orleans Voodoo is well known and still practiced as a religion on a regular basis.There are shops in the French Quarter that sell all types of black magic and voodoo paraphernalia. The city has a sports club with that name and a bar-b-que franchise with that name.( because the city recognizes it as part of its culture and history--Voodoo is noted in the tourist guides) The city's history of black slaves and voodoo combined with Catholicism is well documented. Marie Leveau was a famous Voodoo Queen in New Orleans who considered herself to be a devout Catholic and went to mass everyday. In Cuba, there is an annual festival in honor of St Lazarus which combines Catholic and voodoo rituals. According to the "Catholic World News"celebrations include Catholic mass,offerings of rum and cigars, and pilgrims who carry crosses or drag heavy weights which are chained to their bodies. In 1996, Cardinal Jaime Ortega of Havana said the Mass. In South Africa, animals are sacrificed during Roman Catholic Mass. Archbishop Buti Tlagale of Bloemfontein has actively promoted this practice. Archbishop George Daniel of Pretoria stated that animal sacrifices are routinely done in his diocese. A Catholic Preist blessed chickens and goats that were to be sacrifices during his Mass in South Africa.After the animals were slaughtered the blood was poured into a hole outside the church where it was used in a Voodoo ritual. In Guatemala, Mayan rituals are combined with Roman Catholicism. In Chichicastenago, Guatemala there is a Mayan-Catholic mass which involves the Mayan rituals being conducted inside the church while the Catholic Preist conducts the mass. This has become so popular that it is featured In Guatemalan tourist guides.In Mayan-Catholic churches,one half of the church has pews and the other half a bare floor. This enables people to put candles and flowers and other things on the bare floor as part of their Mayan ritual. Mexicans celebrate the Day of The Dead. This is a combination of Aztec religion and Roman Catholicism. In the cities Mexican Catholics treat it as a Catholic festival. In the rural areas of Mexico it is treated as a serious religious ritual and the practice of worshiping the dead is commonplace.The Catholic Church knows of the practice and has done nothing to stop it. Brazil is the largest Catholic country in the world. It has 115 million Catholics, which is twelve percent of the Roman Catholic Church. In other words,one out of nine Catholics lives in Brazil.Ninety-three percent of Brazilians claim to be Catholic. However, at least sixty percent of Brazilians practice spiritism. In other words,more than half of Brazil's Catholics practice spiritism in addition to Catholicism. Brazilian Catholics are know for having "double affiliations" being members of two or more different religions at the same time.Religions which are often practiced by Brazilian Catholics include: Candomble, Umbanda, Macumba and Kardecism. In addition, many Brazilian Catholics practice some form of witchcraft or consult witches. Candombe, Umbanda, Macumba are all mixtures of Roman Catholicism,various African religions and the beliefs of Brazilian Indians.Religious practices include inviting "spirits" to possess the worshipers. Kardecism is a form of spiritism that involves belief in reincarnation. Santeria is a Caribbean religion which combines Roman Catholicism with African religions. People who practice Santeria often practice regular Catholicism as well. Cities with large Hispanic population usually have Santeria.The Catholic Church is aware of the practice and has done nothing to stop it. According to the Catholic Catechism--- Catholicism is suppose to be the same anywhere in the world. There is no difference in Brazil, Argentina, Africa, Mexico or the United States.

Did you know?
"New Age" Catholicism is actually a resurgence of old paganism which has been westernized and dressed up in modern vocabulary. It denies foundational Christian doctrines and basic Christian morality. New Age beliefs and practices are being openly promoted by Catholic Priests and nuns. There are priests and nuns who are promoting pagan rituals and occult activities including: Hindu religious practices, worship of the "goddess", witchcraft and spirit channeling.This information has been documented by a Catholic reporter,Randy England, who wrote" The Unicorn in the Sanctuary: The Impact of the New Age On the Catholic Church.According to England, New age concepts are being taught at Catholic retreats, prayer worships, and educational conferences. In his book,England makes reference to the theology of a Jesuit Preist Teilhard de Chardin who opened the door to these New Age concepts and led to "creation-centered spirituality and Catholic feminism( which promotes sex out side of marriage, lesbianism,witchcraft,renounces traditional Christian morality, and goddess worship.) Another Jesuit Priest was found to be teaching Eastern medication techniques using spirit guides( demonic spirits) to other priests,nuns and to the laity.One Trappist Monk,Thomas Merton, taught that every form of mystical experience is valid,no matter what the source ( including Hinduism and Buddhism). In fact, in the August 2007 Catholic magazine U.S.Catholic ( they use a quote from Budda in their spirituality cafe section.A Franciscan Priest,according to England, teaches Catholics to manipulate reality by using "spirit beings"(demons). Catholics are being taught that their spirituality will be improved by New Age techniques such as yoga, occult meditation and various other Eastern religions. England found that some catholic schools are no longer teaching the Ten Commandments,but instead have replaced traditional Christian doctrines with a one world government philosophy. Mitch Pacwa,a Jesuit Priest, wrote "Catholics and the New Age". In it he states that he became involved with the New Age when he was in seminary. He says that from his experiences he has information that Catholic parishes are using new age personality analysis (the enneagram) and that workshops are being given on astrology and channeling.A former nun,Mary Ann Collins in her book "The Spirit of Roman Catholicism: What lies Behind the Modern Public Image" notes that while she was in training a priest recommended self-hypnosis( which can open the door to demonic spirits) and was asked to attend a workshop on "Centering Prayer" which is similar to Silva Mind Control.She also uses information in her book obtained from Donna Steichen (A catholic Journalist) who wrote "Ungodly Rage". According to Ms Steichen, Catholic Feminist want to take over the church and indoctrinate women into covens (like witches) and promote lesbianism,auto-eroticism,abortion, animism (pagan worship of spirits), mysticism, gay civil rights, goddess worship and other pagan practices. Ms Steichen notes that in 1958 she attended a women's conference sanctioned and promoted by the Catholic Church which involved: The School Sisters of Notre Dame SSND, a Catholic priest from St Benedict's and numerous Catholic nuns,teachers counselors, administrators and laywomen. She states that in addition to this conference where the agenda was to promote those subjects as noted previously there have many more worshops,conferences seminars,programs and schools where these anti-Christian doctrines and have been held and are still being promoted today through out the United States and abroad. One such conference was held on April 20,1996 at Emmanuel College In Boston. It was led by "Starhawk" a confessed witch who opened the conference with a pagan ritual to the goddess. Others who are actievely engaged in promoting this New Age and Feminist agenda are Matthew Fox,who was a Dominican Priest, founded: The Institute for Culture and Creation Spirituality and the New age magazine--"Creation". Fox left the church and became an Anglican Priest. And Rosemary Ruether who is a Catholic Feminist ( lesbian) theologian.
She has written: "Gaia & God: An Eco-feminist Theology of Earth Healing" and "Religious Feminism and the Future of the Planet: A Christian-Buddhist Conversation."
All of this information and much more is well documented. You can go to a number of web sites to look up the info.
The following comments are mine:The bottom line to all of this is that Catholics are being deceived and they are being indoctrinated without any knowledge of what is really happening.Unfortunately, it is easy to deceive people who are used to being told what to think and believe.Good people in the church who are seeking God and want a closer relationship with Jesus have not been told the Truth. This didn't happen overnight. It has been going on for a very very long time.
In fact, the Catholic Church claims that is has the right to control and tell Catholics what to believe and think.According to Cannon Law( the official laws governing the Roman Catholic Church), Catholics are required to submit their minds and wills to any declaration concerning faith or morals which is made by the Pope or by a church council.The Catholic Church teaches that only the Magisterium Of the Church( the Pope and the bishops) has the right to interpret Scripture.According to Catholic doctrine, the people are not allowed to intrepret scripture for themselves. In other words the laity is required to use authority figures in the church to tell them what the bible says and rely on the clergy for information. This is opposite of what the Bible that tell us --that we should use scripture to verify what we are told by authority figures in the church. (Acts 17:10-11,1 Thessalonians 5:21, Ephesians 4:14)

In addition to the code of Cannon Law, the Catholic Catechism also determines what people are to believe.According to the Catechism itself," The principle sources of the catechism are: 1.) The sacred scriptures( as determined by the catholic hierarchy) 2. the liturgy (or catholic tradition) 3. the church's Magisterium (the Pope and the Bishops) 4. the Fathers of the Catholic Church( the apostolic succession of the Popes and councils) The ministry of cathesis draws its energy from the councils.The Council of Trent is one example.It lies at the origin of the" Roman Catechism". The catechism explains how God's salvation is accomplished through the actions of the Church,the liturgy(tradition) and especially in the sacraments..."
"The catechism emphasizes the exposition of catholic doctrine. In other words, it helps to deepen the understanding of the "Catholic" faith." Everything is interwoven with the Church's "Rule of Faith" and is inseparable from Church doctrine and dogma which is "The Fundamental Truth" as explained and defined by the Vatican Council.The profession of faith is spelled out in the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215.

The following comments are mine: The Catholic Church wraps itself in the cloak of "mystery" and uses "ecclesiastical language"to dissuade the laity(common man) from attempting to reach "The Truth". It uses "double speak" and builds layer upon layer of hierarchical barriers to separate itself from those 'Faithful" that have meaningful questions about what the Catholic Church really is and its true nature.The clergy: priests, monsignors, bishops, cardinals, popes,etc have become a distinct class within the church,a law unto themselves and with a loyalty of their own.

Did you know?
The Catholic Church believes and endorses:
the concepts of "Social Justice".(Social Justice is the hallmark of the communist party and the beginning of Socialism in many Third World countries. Social Justice and religion?) In the Sept 2008 issue of the Catholic Magazine "America"( The National Catholic Weekly) it notes that Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum Novarum in 1891 supported labor unions and workers social rights. In 1982 Pope John Paul II in "Laboreum Excerns" supported the struggle for Social Justice. In 1986, the US Catholic Bishops in the pastoral letter Ecomomic Justice For All supported worker's rights for social justice, legal reform to futher those rights and to stop any opposition to the establishment of labor unions.In 2007 The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops reiterated the Church's stand on support of unions,use of card check elections,and noted the church's social teachings regarding the sharing of wealth by the working middle class for the welfare of the under priviledged. In the same magazine they gave a thumbs up and supported the work of John C. Cort a Catholic who wrote The Making of a Catholic Socialist.It also notes the work of Msgr John Ryan who was one of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal advisors during the Great Depression. Ryan saw the Catholic Church as an agent for social justice and an interal,progressive political force.Monsignor Ryan wanted the church to address economic issues as religious issues because in the 1930's he saw economic issues as religious issues because they were social justice issues. In the magazine "America" it supports a book written by Michael Sean Winters entitled "Left at the Altar' which appeals to catholics to support the Democratic party and its way of handling such issues as health care,capital punishment,care for the elderly. The magazine article compares the Republican way of handling such issues to a brand of social Darwinism.References to "social justice" can also be found in the Code of Cannon Law: Book 2,Part 1,Title 1,Chapter 222---"They are obliged to promote social justice...." In other words, the faithful are required to carry out the doctrines established by the Church. It is mandated under Cannon Law and not a suggestion.

Did you know?
The Catholic church is against the Death Penalty,Capital punishment (for any reason); it is against the "war on terror" (it refers to the 1,600-year-old Augustinian theory of "Just war"). In other words they disagree that the war in Iraq was a "just" war; and it is against intelligent design or creationism and is in favor of a combination of Darwinism (evolution), science and Catholicism. (Which is in direct opposition to the word of God ---the Bible)

In the August 2008 issue of the Catholic magazine "America" under the column--Current Comment the author reiterates the Church's stand against war.( even to defend this country) He states that The United States ,because of the attack on Japan During WWII, should apologize to Japan and repent of these crimes against God and man.He goes on to say that it is always wrong to use nuclear weapons or to threaten to use them. The article states that the United States can not find any support in Catholic moral theology for dropping the atomic bomb.He claims that the basis for such remarks comes from the Catholic Church's doctrine and notes that according to the Second Vatican Council's "Pastoral Constitution On the Church in the Modern World" it teaches that the church upholds its unequivocal and unhesitating condemnation of such actions.{He fails to note in his article that Japan attacked us without provocation or warning, that Japan killed and/or tortured hundreds of thousands of civilians,raped and murdered non-combatants in violation of the laws of armed conflict( the treaties that they signed) and forgets to mention that even after the first bomb was dropped Japan still refused to surrender unconditionally.} Does this sound familiar with regard to 911 and the remarks made by Muslim terrorists against the United States? In the Editorial section of the same Catholic magazine, the editor notes his opposition to Israel's right of defense (even though Israel faces possible complete extermination by Iran's capability to use nuclear weapons)----if Israel destroys the Iranian nuclear facilities. He says that all Iran wants is respect and recognition of their national sovereignty. (Prior Iranian history in the Middle East proves this to be questionable) These articles and others written by catholics for catholics in Catholic publications supposedly represent the Catholic viewpoint according to Church doctrine,dogma, ritual, tradition and rite.

With regard to the Church's stand on evolution,according to an encyclical Humani Generis by Pope Pius XII in 1950 he made one of the first positive statements on evolution that the teaching authority of the church does not forbid the church from discussing the doctrine of evolution in so far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter.( Apparently not including Adam,but some slime or biological ooze) In 1996 Pope John Paul in a speech to the Pontifical Academy of Science said that he believed new knowledge had led to the theory of evolution as being more than a hypothesis.He said that because it was well proven already it didn't need any more evidence.He stated the he believed that it was a remarkable thing that the theory had been accepted by so many researchers due to discoveries made in the various fields of science which in itself was an argument in favor of the theory of evolution. He also stated that there was no conflict between evolution and the catholic doctrine of faith. In 2007 Pope Benedict XVI also made comments combining evolution with church beliefs while stating that one can not exclude science from creationism. (That is if you include God since He created everything--the universe, the cosmos,nature,natural laws--science) Not secular Humanism science.
The following remarks are mine: Either God made man or He didn't. (that's creationism in a nutshell) Either the Bible is the divinely inspired word of God (The book of Genesis for example) or it's a lie. It's that simple. There is no grey area. You can't mix and match evolution and the word of God. Evolution is not a proven science--it is an unproven theory.A theory--not fact! I apologize,but I can't give you all the data,research and science that opposes evolution--here 'cause it would take too long.(You can look at a book The Amazing story of Creation from science and the Bible by Duane T. Gish,PHD.; Look up: The Institute For Creation Research, A book--- Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation by Dennis R. Petersen, look up the Creation Resource Foundation--these will get you started)

None of this was intended to offend you as a Catholic. I hope that it hasn't. Like I said at the beginning it's about The Truth. My prayer for you is that you will look at this information with an open mind, that you will search scripture for the answers and grow closer to God as a result. This is paraphrasing the bible but, People can only use "the light" that they have been given.I sincerely hope that I have given you some more light to work with.If I have offended you, I'd like to ask for your forgiveness.

Please test, examine, research everything you have read here!

If you disagree with what you have read here please reply and post the sources, the original documentation,etc that you believe disprove those statements with which you disagree. If my facts,research or conclusions are in error please help me to correct those mistakes by providing me with the information to do that. I welcome the opportunity to continue to learn and grow " speaking the truth in love" Ephesians 4:15.

God Bless!

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