Monday, April 29, 2013

To Tattoo, or not to Tattoo?

Ask yourself: Does getting a tattoo bring attention to you or to God? Does getting a tattoo bring glory to God or does it honor you? WHAT ARE YOUR MOTIVES FOR GETTING A TATTOO? As adornment to glorify your body?
Are you "IN" the world or "OF" the world? Are you part of the world's culture or do you belong to the kingdom of God? You can't belong to both!
Historically tattoos have projected such subjects as: death, violence, evil, demons, darkness, rebellion as well as anti-establishment, anti-Christian or anti-God themes. Leviticus 18:1,24,29 as well as Chapter 20:23 all refer to God's warnings to his people not to act as the heathens.  Genesis 1:26-28 states that we were created in the image of God. That we were created to be holy and to strive to be above the things of the flesh. That we are to think about those things that are above,are good, righteous, and holy and not on things below that are self centered, prideful, honoring our ambitions, our achievements, and do not bring glory to God. Deuteronomy 14:1 states".... you shall not cut yourselves..." Again as in Leviticus, God warns us not to act like the pagans and the heathens by becoming involved in such practices which lead to idolatry. Idolatry includes anything that replaces God---including the human body.
Latino/Hispanic gang members have all kinds of religious tattoos: crucifixes, crosses, pictures of Jesus, Mary, etc. Russian organized crime members have so called "religious tattoos". Their tattoos represent violence, death, and criminal activity.  You know that as a follower of Jesus that living for God is about a relationship and NOT about Religion or religious trappings such as: necklaces, finger rings, ear rings, nose rings, ankle bracelets, body piercing, or tattoos. Many cult followers have religious markings on their body or cuttings in their flesh or tattoos to identify them as belonging to a specific sect. Worldwide---all over the planet tattoos have been used by pagan tribes to identify certain pagan religious rituals: such as animal sacrifice, worship of pagan gods, human sacrifice,killing of enemies,etc. Many of these or similar tattoo designs,patterns or graphics are used today in tattoo parlors.  Does a non Christian with a tattoo see your tattoo (because you are a Christian) any differently or no different than any other person with a tattoo? How do you explain to him or her that their tattoo is wrong,not acceptable to God,but yours is ok? Or do you not say anything at all because you don't want to be embarrassed, you won't be accepted by your peers, or you don't want them to feel like you are "a Holy Joe" . The question is do you chose God or them? In Leviticus 19:26-31 "....or tattoo any marks upon you....". This scripture specifically prohibits tattoos. In the context of the Chapter, God is laying down specific statues,laws and commandments regarding pagan and heathen practices. Tattoos have their beginnings/roots in ancient pagan rituals,cultic religious practices,false religions and pagan practices in mourning the dead.
If you claim to be a Christian then you are--a follower of Christ. A born again, spirit filled believer who agrees that the Bible is the word of God to us.All of the Bible--not bits and pieces! Once you have surrendered your self: body, mind and soul to God and have accepted his gift of salvation for your sins then you have become a temple of the living God. Your body is no longer yours,but belongs to God. John 14:17, Romans 8:5-8, 1st Corinthians 6:19-20.  Scripture asks the question, can you as a temple of God be joined to things of this world, the evil ,the non spiritual, the secular humanistic things of the flesh?  God tell us to be separate and apart from the world. to be "in" the world,but not to be "of" the world. 2 Corinthians 6:14-17. What do followers of Christ have in common with convicts, gang members,organized crime,motorcycle gangs,cult members, pagan religions, tribal members, witchcraft, ----- tattoos? Are you to be like the so called Role models---that have tattoos such as Athletes (football, baseball ,basketball,etc) that have boasted about how many sexual encounters they have had, or athletes that have been investigated for drug use,cheating,gambling,alcohol abuse, domestic abuse, having children out of wedlock, divorced multiple times, etc? Are you to be like the so called Role models that have tattoos--- who are movie stars, TV stars, music rock stars that are involved with---- drug abuse, alcohol abuse, suicide, criminal offenses, violence, divorce, pornography, homosexuality, sex outside of marriage, aids, etc. What do any of these people have in common with Christ? Nothing! As a "Christ" ian what should you have to do with anyone who follows Satan and the World? Nothing! What makes you different from them? Your tattoos? 

Honestly ask yourself why you want to get the tattoo in the first place. To fit in with your friends, because everybody else has one in your circle of friends, because it's cool, it's different, it is a sign to others of your independence,
(especially your parents) or are they really all just excuses to just do what you want no matter what. That your wants, your desires, your interests come first--everything else is second place---including God. That YOU sit on the throne of your life, your selfishness is first not God. Don't pretend to be a Christian if you don't obey God. He says light and darkness can't exist in the same place. You can't fool God. The bible says God will not be mocked. You will hear from some people that there is nothing wrong with tattoos. It's ok. Ask them why they got their tattoo? Ask them why they hide it / them when they apply for a job or wear long sleeves when they are around people that can affect their lives and disagree with their tats. If they are not ashamed--why hide them? Why pretend they don't have any tats when it is going to affect their salary or promotion? They are not ashamed.Right? Tattoos may be part of the culture or a trend in today's society,but they are not part of God's will for your life.
Trends, fads, a tendency to wear a particular type of clothes, jewelery, hats, etc come and go--they change. God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow - He doesn't change. Why rely on an emotional response, a fleeting idea or temporary whim to do something that will indeed affect your life, your future, your well being? (There are always health concerns when getting a tattoo) Whenever you use needles or other objects to mark the flesh, the skin there is a possibility of infections and disease. Why do hospitals have such a septic, germ, bacteria, fungus free environment when they cut on people? Ask your self-- Do tattoo parlors maintain that type of germ free environment? Do the staff and personnel that work there maintain that level of sterilization or something less? Have they been trained/certified/licensed to the medical aspects of creating a tattoo? Because blood is involved--do they prevent the transferring of blood from one person to another i.e. aids,HIV, hepatitis --B,C.and other blood borne diseases? Is getting the tattoo worth the risk? There are no guarantees. (even in a hospital of not getting a staph infection) Yet, you are willing to trust someone in a tattoo parlor to protect your health. Even if they use disposable needles and tubes--- cross contamination can occur. Simply using alcohol or so called "universal precautions' does not guarantee a safe environment. People die from staph infections, HIV or hepatitis.
You might also consider how that tattoo is going to look when you are 70 something and your skin is not the same as it was when you were younger. Those wrinkles and old age lines and marks will change that "beautiful butterfly" into a dried up prune. etc,etc.Think about it!
Are you "IN" the world or "OF" the world? Are you part of the world's culture or do you belong to the kingdom of God? You can't belong to both!

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