Monday, April 29, 2013

It's your choice

     Remember that you are only a breath away from eternity. In the blink of an eye you could be gone. God does not measure your life by the amount of money you have, the kind of car you drive or size of the house you live in. He is not interested in your style of clothes, your title or position at work, or what jewelry you wear. God said "all this will pass away" and the only thing He will look at is ---Do you know his son--JESUS ? Do you have a personal relationship (one on one with him)? It's not about religion, but relationship. It's not about just sitting in a church on Sunday. It's not about any particular denomination. It's not about just being a "good" person. God said the way is narrow and the only way was thru his son. God said that no one was good not one. It's about accepting Jesus as your LORD and Savior.  Your Life will not be judged by the number of good works you do,but what you did with Jesus-knowing Him. God said that on our best day our righteousness,our good works are like filthy rags before him. God doesn't look at how smart we are, (or we think we are), how handsome or beautiful we are, (or what the world sees on the outside) In his word (the bible) God said that true wisdom is not of this world and if you judge your surroundings by what you think is intelligence according to the world's standards you are fooling yourself. God said that the wisdom of this world is nothing more than foolisness to Him. God sees how man stumbles over his own wisdom again and again and falls. Why? because of how man's human mind reasons and how futile it is to apply the things of this world to those of God. God looks at the heart,our motives,our attitudes and our deepest hidden secrets. He is not impressed with our awards, our cerificates of merit, our medals of honor,or education ( no matter how many college degrees you have ). God has said that a man who claims to know all the answers is just showing how ignorant he is,but the man who truly loves God is the one who is open to God's knowledge. God is not swayed in his judgement by our talents,our natural gifts or physical abilitiesWhen he opens the Book of Life on judgement day---either your name will be written there or it won't. It is only by the blood of Jesus ,his death and resurection that we are saved from damnation ,eternal hell fire, pain and suffering. When we accept his free gift of salvation by believing in Jesus, letting him live in and thru us, letting him control our lives as Lord then we are truly free.Free from God's judgement,but also from the false promises of the world.What the world would have you believe can replace Jesus.( sex,wealth,success, admiration,power) In truth, anything that you put first in your life that replaces God is an idol. God said that you can't love the things of this world and claim to love him too.
     God doesn't want robots or zombies to be his followers,disciples, or servants.He has given us a free will. It's your choice,but only you can make it. Only you can decide for you.You can choose yourself and put your trust in your own mental abilities.(Have you ever made a wrong choice or a bad decision? )You can choose what the world tells you to believe.( Look at the condition of the world today and how that has worked out for mankind) .Or choose God and His word.
     Do not make this choice lightly. Take this decision seriously. It's your choice and of course your consequences. If you choose Jesus ---What do you gain? What do you lose? If you don't--- what do you lose? Some people profess they choose Jesus--just to get the so called "fire insurance," but God is not mocked. Don't play games with God.! God says that it's easy to tell the difference between a good fruit bearing tree and a bad one. The good tree bears good fruit. A bad tree can't bear good fruit. When God looks at someone's life and nothing has changed because they are still living for the things of this world and still doing the same things they did before eventhough they say they have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior--they have lied to God and themselves.When you say that you have accepted God's gift of salvation by 1st. confessing with your mouth (saying it outloud) that Jesus is Lord  and 2nd. believe with your whole heart (your whole being) --- not just a mental/intellectual acceptance that----- Jesus Christ is the son of God, that He is God, that he was born, came to earth, was crucufied, died and was reurrected and ascended back into heaven. Then without any mental reservations you become a new creature in Christ Jesus. Part of being "born again" is to be discipled which means finding a church where you can grow in the Lord, study His word,hear His word (the Bible) ,having fellowship with other believers and worshiping and praising God in a spirit filled environment  and being baptized. (Baptism is an outward sign of an inward change.)
 Even Jesus was baptized--- so wouldn't you think you should be too?
     You can't be a cafeteria Christian and merely pick and choose what  YOU  want to believe or not believe in the Bible or do or not do according to God's Holy Word. Living that way is a lie.God put liars in the same category as murders and thieves. You are blaspheming the name of God by saying you are a CHRISTian and pretending to be one while going your own way and doing your own thing.God said that as His followers we were to BE IN THE WORLD, but NOT TO BE OF THE WORLD.As Christians we are suppose to be different, set apart so when those that are not saved/born again look at us they see Jesus in us. If unsaved people see so called Christians doing the same things the world is doing for example: going to casinos, gambling,smoking,drinking, watching x-rated shows, using foul language, telling or listening to dirty jokes, having ear, tongue, body piercings, or tattoos; listening to worldly music, gossiping, lying, stealing, having sex outside of marriage, watching R rated adult TV shows, reading worldly magazines, reading horoscopes, having anything to do with the occult, magic, or fortune telling; wearing immodest clothing and wearing improper kinds of jewelery, attending Holloween parties or participating in the festivals of Halloween or Mardi Gras (These are man made traditions with their roots and origins in paganism, they celebrate satan, demons, witchcraft and pagan gods. These demonic festivals have nothing to do with God, the Bible or Christianity.)  In fact, if you're involved with anything that doesn't reflect Jesus (in you) then your witness or testimony as a christian  your life, is no different then the unsaved people. We are not supposed to be a stumbling block to non Christians or even fellow Christians by the way we live and cause them not to seek God or turn away from God.
     Many people want the promises of God, the blessings of God and God's grace, His compassion, His mercy, His protection, but they don't want to follow his teachings, believe in His son, believe the bible or accept His plan for their lives. Everyone has a choice. God has given you all you need to make yours--- the right one.
It's your choice!!

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